Brrrrr and Greetings to all!

Well we made it through January!  And here at Topical BioMedics we made the MOST of it, too, by teaming up with some of New York’s finest and firefighters for some on-the-snow fun!

On  January 26th and January 27th, Topricin joined the New York Police Department Ski Club for the 25th Annual East Coast Police Winter Games at Hunter Mountain, NY.  Both active and retired skiing and snowboarding police officers strapped on their boards for a day of fun at the legendary Catskills mountain resort.  The event was a fundraiser for Journey Forward, a non-profit organization dedicated to bettering the lives of those who have suffered a Spinal Cord Injury through an intense exercise program.

Then, on Feb. 1st, Topricin hit the slopes again for the 38th Annual FDNY Ski Race at Hunter Mountain, NY.  More than 350 New York City firefighters treked through the snowy weather in the Catskills for this unique race.

Decked out in their turnout coats and regulation-issue fire helmets,  five- man teams raced down the course, each holding on the same 50-foot length of fire hose.  Coupled with the six inches of snow Hunter had  received, this made for some unbelievable racing and crashing action!   The event, an annual tradition and fundraiser for the New York Firefighter Burn Center Foundation, raised over $30,000 from sponsors, donors, and the Firefighters themselves.

Thanks to the NYPD, the FDNY, and all the hard-working and caring emergency service folks everywhere who keep us safe.

Enjoy the weekend, and stay warm!


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